Get involved: Equity + inclusion at the Library
With the goal of raising awareness and encouraging growth, the UC Berkeley Library has compiled learning opportunities from the university and beyond in the areas of social justice, anti-racism, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
Explore the list below to learn more!
Have any additions, changes, or updates? Please let us know.
DEIBJ resources
Library worker focus
American Library Association (ALA) eLearning (Opens in a new tab.)
- Cost: Some opportunities are free; some are for a fee
- ALA’s eLearning catalog; browse ALA’s learning opportunities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
- Cost: Some opportunities are free; some are for a fee
- ACRL professional development opportunities, ranging from conferences to webinars. ACRL’s free opportunities include webinars, synchronous discussion forums, and recordings of past events. Subscribe to one or more ACRL newsletters.
- See ACRL’s equity, diversity, and inclusion playlist on YouTube, and explore ACRL’s equity, diversity, and inclusion resources, including a LibGuide, learning opportunities, and library communities related to equity, diversity, and inclusion.
California Libraries Learn (CALL Academy)
- Cost: Free to all California library workers
- A collaborative project of the California Library Association and the California State Library. Many online learning opportunities. Formats vary. See CALL Academy’s calendar, or sign up for CALL Academy’s weekly newsletter.
Critical Library Work Reading Group (LAUC-B)
- Cost: Free
- Meets (monthly, via Zoom) to discuss literature that can help library workers acknowledge systems of power and privilege underpinning the profession in an effort to challenge and change those systems. All UC Berkeley Library workers are welcome. Topics/readings and event link sent to the libstaff listserv in advance each month. Current moderator: Sarah Rosenkrantz.
- Cost: Some opportunities are free; some are for a fee
- “The We Here Community School, which includes multi-week courses, webinars, and digital downloads, seeks to provide a learning community with opportunities for personal and professional development based in anti-racist pedagogy, as well as recognizing and acknowledging systemic racism and oppression.”
Critical Librarianship & Pedagogy Symposium
“This online symposium brings together critical pedagogy discourse among academic librarians, critical pedagogy scholars, and teaching faculty.” The webpage includes slides and recordings from past conferences.
- Host: University of Arizona Libraries
- When: Every two years; not held in 2024 but “optimistically planning to hold the next CLAPS in 2026”
- Cost: Contact coordinators for cost information
IDEAL (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility in Libraries & Archives) Conference
“The IDEAL Conference brings together members of the international library and archive community to explore the knowledge, awareness, skills, and attitudes needed to effectively navigate the complexities and opportunities specific to diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and justice.” Previously known as the National Diversity in Libraries Conference (NDLC).
- Host: Association of Research Libraries
- When: Triennially; check IDEAL webpage in late 2025 for information on IDEAL 2027
- Cost: Contact coordinators for cost information
Joint Conference of Librarians of Color (JCLC)
“JCLC brings together a diverse group of librarians, library staff, library supporters, and community participants to explore issues of diversity in libraries and how they affect the ethnic communities who use our services.”
- Host: Joint Council of Librarians of Color
- When: Irregular; next conference planned for 2026; see JCLC’s history
- Cost: Contact coordinators for cost information
BIPOC in LIS Resource Center (American Library Association)
Digital community spaces focused on Black, Indigenous, and people of color in library and information science; professional development opportunities; additional resources.
Reimagining Libraries Through Critical Library Practices (LAUC-B)
The 2021 conference sponsored by the Librarians Association of the University of California, Berkeley, examined librarianship through the lenses of DEIBJ and anti-racist work, Black studies, Latinx studies, Indigenous studies, cultural and critical ethnic studies, intersectional feminism, critical disability studies, postcolonial and decolonial studies, and queer interventions in digital studies. The webpage includes resources such as posters and a link to recordings of presentations.
Shelf Awareness: The Intersections of Social Justice and Critical Librarianship (LAUC-B)
The 2019 conference sponsored by the Librarians Association of the University of California, Berkeley, involved discussion and reflection about the ways the structure and practice of librarianship both disrupt and reinforce systematic oppression. The webpage includes resources such as presentation slides and suggested readings.
Reading lists related to library and information sciences that are “centered around BIPOC being and (be)coming together in study.”
Interested in discussing challenges and social justice topics in the library world? Subscribe to LibVoices, a forum open to all employees in UC Berkeley’s libraries.
Berkeley staff focus
Berkeley Career Opportunities and Resources for Equity (BCORE) program (People & Culture)
- Cost: Contact coordinators for cost information
- Available every other spring
- “The Berkeley Career Opportunities and Resources for Equity program (BCORE) is an experience for staff employees committed to their upward career advancement and a leadership workshop for supervisors who are in a position to exercise their sphere of influence to diversify the leadership ranks at the university.” BCORE is an eight-week experience; see a sample syllabus for BCORE.
Berkeley Equity Training Series (People & Culture)
- Cost: Free
- “The Berkeley Equity Training Series (BETS) is an intentional sequence of three-hour topical sessions facilitated by subject matter experts and equity practitioners. This program is a cohorted professional learning experience designed to equip staff members and managers at Cal about how to be more culturally fluent and racially literate.” In 2023-24, there were seven sessions scheduled. Participants must commit to attend all seven workshops and actively participate in discussions.
Critical Voices in DEIB (People & Culture)
- Cost: Contact coordinators for cost information
- “Critical Voices in DEIB frames key issues around race and equity issues, how they impact our community, and offers resources for how to advance racial equity and promote social justice at UC Berkeley.” Annual events; often available afterward as a recording.
Dismantling Racism (Opens in a new tab.)
- Cost: Free
- “The Dismantling Racism Study & Action Group for justice, liberation, and belonging at UC Berkeley is a volunteer-based community of practice, made up primarily of UC Berkeley staff but also welcoming students and faculty.” Monthly meetings on third Thursdays, 12-1:30 p.m., via Zoom, on a variety of topics; also a listserv. See a list of onboarding resources recommended to new members.
Events & Classes (Greater Good Science Center)
- Cost: Contact coordinators for cost information
- Online courses on mindfulness, bridging differences, the science of happiness, and awe, among other topics.
Moving Beyond Bias (UC and CSU)
- Cost: Free
- “Moving Beyond Bias is a seven-part workshop for senior administrators, faculty, student leaders and an eight-part workshop for staff trainers. Interactive exercises, case studies and discussion topics are tailored to meet the learning needs of the different university audiences.”
People & Culture Inclusive Leadership Academy (People & Culture)
- Cost: Free
- Available every other spring
- “The purpose of the PCLA is to provide an intentional and meaningful learning experience that will equip leaders with the content knowledge, leadership behaviors, and support to effectively lead our diverse staff community and create a culture of belonging and inclusion.” Designed for managers/supervisors.
Staff as Students of Social Justice (SSSJ) Program (American Cultures Center)
- Cost: Contact coordinators for cost information
- “The ‘Staff as Students of Social Justice’ (SSSJ) Program is an opportunity for campus staff … to … participate in discussions about timely and important topics. Piloted in Fall 2020, the SSSJ Program is a unique opportunity to learn first-hand from leading scholars and American Cultures instructors about the intersections of race, ethnicity, and gender; dig into subjects of personal interests; and build connections with faculty, students, and fellow staff colleagues.” The program is evolving; check the website in spring 2024 for more details.
UndocuAlly Staff Training (Undocumented Student Program)
- Cost: Contact coordinators for cost information
- “Available to UC Berkeley staff and faculty who are interested in becoming allies to undocumented students on campus. There is a training each semester. For more information, email” Some materials online.
Anti-Racism Resources (Division of Equity & Inclusion)
Includes materials from the “Becoming An Anti-Racist Campus Symposium,” hosted Feb. 1, 2023, along with films, videos, podcasts, websites, readings, and a list of resources for taking action.
Anti-Racist Resources from Greater Good (Greater Good Science Center)
Resources on the psychological roots of racism, how to overcome bias, confronting racism, reducing bias in criminal justice, building bridges, resources for parents, resources for educators, and anti-racism resources.
Belonging, a Weekly Practice (Othering & Belonging Institute)
“The distinct belonging framework developed by the Othering & Belonging Institute (OBI) includes a set of principles and practices that can root out structural inequality and exclusion of all kinds while helping us turn toward, rather than against, each other. Beyond a call for inclusion into pre-existing structures built to serve only some of us, belonging asks each of us to commit to co-creating new structures built for everyone.” No longer occurring, but materials are still online. Materials include Belonging Design Principles, slides, a toolkit (readings), and a facilitator’s guide.
DEIB Previous Programs (People & Culture)
A collection of recordings of past programs on the topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
Grow Your DEIB (People & Culture)
Tools and resources to help foster belonging and inclusivity in the workplace. Includes consulting services, toolkits and guides, training opportunities, events, and campus resources.
Grow Your Journey: DEIBJ (People & Culture)
UC Berkeley staff have at least 80 hours per year to engage in professional development, and People & Culture has assembled this Learning Pathway on DEIBJ for individuals interested in developing professional knowledge and skills in this area.
Implicit Bias Video Series (UCLA)
Videos intended for public use exploring implicit bias; implicit bias modules for University of California employees.
Managing Implicit Bias Series (UC)
Asynchronous course on implicit bias.
Race Matters Resource Lists (People & Culture) (Opens in a new tab.)
Articles, books, curated lists, videos, films, podcasts, groups to follow, and more.
Racial Disparities Dashboard (Othering & Belonging Institute) (Opens in a new tab.)
Provides data on racial disparity outcomes for American society, and highlights areas of progress and regress in closing disparities in critical life outcomes.
Read, Watch, Listen, Engage (Division of Equity & Inclusion)
Books, magazines, documentaries, movies, podcasts, conferences, and workshops; talks and interviews; performances and art.
Key readings from Black educator-leaders, resources to support Black educators, Greater Good in Education practices for teachers, students, and other organizations.
Restorative Justice Center of UC Berkeley
“The mission of the Restorative Justice Center is to create opportunities for people to connect on deeper levels by sharing stories, engaging in deep listening, and developing respectful relationships, and community-based strategies for responding to conflict and harm. When harm occurs, we offer processes for understanding impacts and needs, and taking accountability in ways that result in transformation and repair. We believe that an increased emphasis on these principles and practices in our communities can improve climate, equity and inclusivity, and reduce harm in the short and long terms.” The Restorative Justice Center provides services for students, faculty, and staff.
Scholarly focus
“In 1989, UC Berkeley adopted the ground-breaking American Cultures (AC) undergraduate education requirement thanks to years of student and faculty protest and campaigning.” In addition to assistance with course development, the center advances faculty development, anti-racist pedagogy, creative discovery programs for students, integration of community engagement with courses, the High School Ethnic Studies Initiative, and more.
Center for Race and Gender (CRG)
“The CRG advances pioneering scholarship through research initiatives, original publications, a multimedia platform, symposia, and other events. The CRG supports student research and intellectual advancement by providing research project grants, sponsoring research working groups, and organizing forums to spotlight developing work.” Recordings of past events are available; learn about upcoming events and research initiatives and working groups. Subscribe to the CRG’s email newsletter.
Institute for the Study of Societal Issues (ISSI)
“The mission of the Institute for the Study of Societal Issues (ISSI) is to:
- Foster innovative, community-engaged qualitative and quantitative interdisciplinary research on the issues central to social stratification and inequality. Our primary focus is on institutional patterns that impact marginalized communities - in the United States and around the world – as well as social and political movements that disrupt such patterns.
- Train, advise, mentor and support the next generation of social change scholars to identify and collect empirical data so as to interpret and explain social stratification, with significant attention to the processes that support and disrupt stratification.”
Each of the seven research centers has its own website and events. See videos of past ISSI events. Subscribe to ISSI’s email newsletter.
Othering & Belonging Institute (OBI)
“The Othering & Belonging Institute at the University of California, Berkeley advances groundbreaking research, policy, and ideas that examine and remediate the processes of exclusion, marginalization, and structural inequality—what we call othering—in order to build a world based on inclusion, fairness, justice, and care for the earth—what we call belonging.” See OBI’s areas of work, events (including archived recordings), and resources (including publications, podcasts, blogs, annual reports, news, and more). Sign up for OBI’s email newsletter at the “email sign up” link on the website. See also the OBI University website, which includes recordings of the Othering & Belonging Conference and stand-alone courses.